We share a passion for Waiheke Island and enjoying the outdoors
Jonathan Irvine - Guide
Jono as we know him is in his second season with Kayak Waiheke & has become very familiar with the special areas of our coast not accessible from land. Ask him about the early history of the first island settlers & some of the fierce Maori battles that took place in the . According to Jono when recalling his many Kayak adventures 'The highlight for me without a doubt was the trip where a pod of Orca played with us miraculously captured on camera by a professional from his nearby yacht'. Jono is a fully qualified Kayak guide completing his training at Tai Poutini Polytechnic in Greymouth New Zealand. Often carrying his trusty GoPro - outside of guiding Jono enjoys white water Kayaking & Skateboarding.
James McNally - Beach assistant
James assists our guides both on & off the water in this important role. Kayaks & all our equipment have regular checks for wear & tear as well as cleanliness. Currently Head-boy at Waiheke High School James is a qualified Learn To Sail coach with our local club teaching young people the delights of safe water sport enjoyment. He has his own Laser racing dinghy & plays competitive Rugby. ' My favourite Kayak trip is around the North Western coast , exploring ashore on the beach at Ray Island and slipping through the archway in a double"
Ross Barnett - Founder
Ross started his Kayaking business more than 27 years ago after running Kayak adventures in Auckland Devonport and the Hauraki Gulf island of Great Barrier. Ross was initially encouraged by the Ferry company Fullers, to start offering Waiheke experiences at a time when the visitor industry was in its infancy. Passionate about all things Waiheke & pioneering in forming an island business association, Ross launched the first Island Free Visitor guide which continues today. Never far from the ocean he enjoys sailing his Trimaran with his family which of course carries several Kayak's and SUP'S to favourite gulf anchorages.